Sunday, February 13, 2011

Video - Developing Critical Thinking Skills


  1. Sabrina
    I especially liked your graphics and movement from one slide to another, but I think you did the same thing I did, that was to not actually introduce the key note speaker. I guess I though that mine was implied, but I introduce at the beginning, but not at the end. All in all, nice...

  2. •I especially liked the crital thinking "T"

    •This part of the video was very successful I liked the idea of the pictures of the brain and the words going across the screen.

    •You might be interested in these resources

    •While watching your video, I wondered about all the different ways in order to get the students to think critially.

  3. Well put together video. Excellent use of graphics and your transitions were very smooth. I enjoyed the variety of teachers discussing critical thinking and you explored the topic of critical thinking in a short amount of time effectively.

  4. I especially liked the examples the teachers gave. This reinforced your main idea.

    I am not sure about the keynote. How does she relate to the presentation?

    This part of the video was very successful the graphics and transitions were very successful.

    You might be interested in these resources

    While watching your video, I wondered about how this could relate to older students. Are these strategies grade dependent?

    I learned a lot from your video. I like the bits of knowledge in the transitions. I like the summaries as well.

  5. I especially liked the graphics and transitions. I think showing the real teachers giving examples of what they do is a great idea. While watching your video, I wondered what Linda Elder's ideas were on critical thinking. I would have liked to have seen some specific examples of her thoughts on the subject. You might be interested in this resource:

  6. Wonderful use of graphics. I really liked the way you presented your information. I have learned a lot from your presentation. Great use of text also.

    Posted by Roxanne Wright
