Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Module 4 - Mind Map (Networks)

Mind Map

Network Reflection

My network has changed the way I interact with family, friends, coworkers, peers, etc. on a daily basis. I used to communicate through phone conversations, face-to-face interactions, or through snail mail only. I also communicated with people that were in my immediate environment, only. Now, learning is more easily accessible through the World Wide Web and I am able to communicate with anyone at anytime of the day.
 The digital tool that has been the most helpful is Facebook. I access it often throughout the day for up to the minute information about relatives and friends. We also discuss and share events and stories that are occurring in our lives. If I’m having a problem with something and need advice, I post the concern on Facebook and I get responses immediately from friends and family.


  1. Sabrina-

    Your mindmap is wonderfully displayed! As you noted, our social networks are beginning to crossover and lend their assets to other aspects of our lives for updates, immediate contact, and information.

  2. Sabrina,
    Social networks are a great resource for a lot of our learning that we engage in on a regular basis. I use Facebook for both professional and personal communication. It's great to be able to seek out an almost immediate response to a question or concern.
